Residents Find Solace in The Summit Gardening
Jim and Carol Pollock have always loved gardening. Thanks to The Summit’s communal garden, they can enjoy a beloved hobby—while social distancing—even during COVID-19.

“We’ve been gardening for a good, many years. We used to have a big garden,” Jim said. “It’s not really an escape; it’s more like a continuation. If I couldn’t garden and I couldn’t fish, I really would be up the walls.”
But garden and fish he can, splitting time between tending tomato plants and casting into The Summit Lake. The Pollacks are gifted with green thumbs, growing vegetables in the garden and tending herbs, flowers and fig trees at their lakeside home.
“It’s just nice to be able to have the garden here. You can go walking anytime, but seeing what’s growing gives you something to look forward to,” Carol said.
The raised beds make gardening a little easier. “We enjoy the fact that we can have some vegetables and not have to work all day,” Jim said.
The couple also enjoys walks around the lake. “Being outside gives you an uplifting feeling. It’s so peaceful around the lake, if you want to walk around and sit in the gazebo,” Carol said.

While COVID-19 has made socializing a challenge, the couple still connects with neighbors.
“It’s just a pleasant place to live. We’ve met over a 100 people that we never knew before and the people are so nice,” Carol said.